Treatments for Faulty Leg Veins

Varicose Veins and smaller spider veins most commonly appear on the legs. This is the case because the root cause of problem veins is poor circulation. There is enough circulation to get blood down to the legs, but the valves in the veins do not have the strength to push the blood back up the legs to the heart. When this occurs, blood pools in the veins and renders them useless.

Mild Cases

Spider veins are those thin and short veins that appear to be branching out from the center of the vein. Capillaries break due to the pressure of the pooling and are visible just under the skin. At this stage veins are unsightly but present no danger. These can be the result of aging, heredity, smoking, a sedentary lifestyle, or an occupation that requires standing or sitting for long periods of time.

The best treatment for spider veins is changes in behavior. Stop smoking, get some regular exercise, control weight, wear supportive shoes, and get some compression stockings. Compression stockings no longer look like the ones grandmother used to wear. There are levels or compression, fun patterns, and designs that resemble ordinary socks. Non-invasive treatments, such as electrical current and high-intensity light, are also available to reduce the appearance of minor spider veins.

Larger Veins

There are some circumstances that can result in the dark-blue colored veins that are twisted, bulging, and painful. These will need to be treated in a varicose vein clinic or a hospital. People who suffer from these problems are compromised. The circulation in the legs is poor and can lead to complications if not treated properly. Obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and other conditions that decrease circulation are some of the causes of severe issues with problem veins.

Treatments Available

Options for treatments include sclerotherapy and surgery. Some tests may need to be conducted to determine which treatment is appropriate. These are typically done at clinics, like the vein clinic Melbourne, for example. Sclerotherapy is minimally-invasive and consists of a chemical solution injected into the affected veins. This procedure causes veins to collapse.

One form of surgical procedure is called stripping. Small incisions are made through which veins are removed from the leg. Compression bandages are applied, and patients need to walk for thirty-minutes a day for a few weeks. Extreme cases result in the amputation of the affected leg. Do not hesitate to seek professional medical help for throbbing and painful veins.
